Criteria for General Nursing Scholarship:
- Residents of Connecticut, entering or studying in a National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) accredited School of Nursing (Associate, Baccalaureate or Master Degree) or a program leading to a Doctorate in Nursing,
- Student requesting scholarship to be used as financial assistance for their education
- Student who demonstrates scholastic ability and professional promise
- High School students are not eligible
Process for Scholarship Application
All applications must include:
- Online application form
- Submission of an unofficial academic transcript from current academic institution during the application completion. If awarded a scholarship, an official transcript will be required prior to the funds being sent.
- Nursing/Healthcare reference completed by professor, teacher, supervisor or other academic or professional contact. Must be from someone in the nursing or healthcare field.
Submission of the online application and letters of recommendation submitted by February 14th
Click Links below to submit:
2025 Online Scholarship Application
Questions? CNFpresident@ctnurses.org.
Official transcripts should be mailed directly to
CNF Scholarships 1224 Mill St, Bldg B, East Berlin, CT 06023